Lucas riding alone the whole west coast of Africa and having some time to think he understood one thing – better to travel together. The same with Marta who stayed at home.
So after some time both of them realized very importatnt thing – no matter how hard it was – they should be together, as both of them were missing each other.In one month Marta reorganized her life again and took a plane to Cape Town to join Lucas and since then together they started seeking the adventure on the east part of Africa.When you compare two sides of the map – you will easily see the difference between the routes. Lucas – the rider made something like 20k kms over a slightly longer time than 2 months riding from Poland ti Cape Town, and when Marta joined him – they started discovering the „black continent” making like 35k kms together in another 8 months!
Their characters and them are opposites, but together they are complemantary and can create a team.